Yup, it’s happened.  Jan Bloom is now a grandmother, after being a grandfather three times.  Our first granddaugther, Victoria Bloom Harris, was born this morning at 9 AM.  She weighed 9# 2 oz and I forgot to ask her length – but it is LONG!  Jenni loves producing large, healthy babies; Mikey (age 4 1/2) was 12 #, Charlie (age 2 1/2) over 10 # and now Tori, who seems positively delicate after her brothers!

Jan's first granddaughter, Tori

Jan's first granddaughter, Tori

Tori was born in a hospital, due to the fact that her mommy is very tired and thought the idea of being taken care of was lovely!

The boys think their sister is beautiful and are especially glad mommy has  a lap again for snuggling.

Jason was a great labor coach and obedient father-to-be; he jumped when Jenni said JUMP and he got out of the pool when Jenni ordered him OUT.  Jenni is a textbook transition lady who threatens, cajoles, yells, and makes her mind up.  It’s quite opposite to her normal sweet self!

The Harris Family and Granny Janny

The Harris Family and Granny Janny

Here’s Tori by herself:

Victoria Bloom Harris- 4 hours old

Victoria Bloom Harris- 4 hours old

For those of you wondering how Charlie is handling his new rold as elder brother, here is a photo of the two of them:

Charlie and Tori on Tori's birthday

Charlie and Tori on Tori's birthday

Charlie was a stitch at the hospital.  Whenever he encountered a uniformed caregiver he stopped, pulled up his shirt and proudly pointed to his port and then pointed to his head and said “owweee.”  When Jenni’s dinner came he pulled his chair up to the side of the bed and began looking in all the containers.  He loves that hospital food!  His hair is growing back a little bit but it may take a while -the radiation actually burned the skin and the new hair has to poke itself through in new places.  He’s bright-eyed and bushy tailed and almost always cheerful though we did see some jealousy today when Tori began nursing.  WHAT is she doing???!!!!

I’m in MN for the month of August to help Jenni and pack up our belongings.  We are still waiting for our house to sell.  Anyone interested in a LOVELY garage with a pretty great house?  You can google our house: 380 2nd St SE, Cokato, MN and see it for yourself.  I haven’t been in it yet – I’ve been busy with Jenni and the boys.

Gary is in Houston this weekend at the Woodlands Conference with My Father’s World.  I am jealous!  I miss our times with our vendor friends and conference attendees.  But I’m glad I can be here with Jenni and her family.